Monday, 22 July 2013

Pangasinan OTOP goes Google!

Many Philippine provinces and towns have stamped their names through their celebrated products and produce. For sure, a town’s name would invariably conjure images of quality products from an area.

But Pangasinan, to that test, proves to be the pioneer of bringing a wider platform to its small and medium enterprises (SME’s), to not only promote, market, and showcase their products but also, share their unique history and enriched culture.

In partnership with GBG Dagupan and Google Southeast Asia, the Provincial Government of Pangasinan conducts another digital project called “Pangasinan ‘One Town One Product’ (OTOP) goes Google” - an event converging town and city representatives, agencies, provincial offices for Tourism and Agriculture, GBG Dagupan members, media partners, and volunteers from Pangasinan Bloggers.

This will be held on July 29, 2013, from 8:00AM to 4:00PM at the Pangasinan Training and Development Center, and is live streamed via TalkTV Global.

This also serves an eye opener to the province’s local SMEs to further improve and diversify their products with the help of Google Apps, so it would suit the taste of the changing market with the goal of selling quality products.

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